Press Release

Public Safety Chairs Senator Aisha Wahab and Assemblymember Kevin McCarty Announce Joint Proposal for SB 1414

SACRAMENTO – Senate Public Safety Chair Aisha Wahab (D-Silicon Valley) and Assembly Public Safety Chair Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento) announced today that they will be putting forward an additional amendment to SB 1414 to protect victims and punish predators.

The new amendment builds on the work done in Senate Public Safety Committee, and will punish a predator with a felony if they solicit a person under 18 and who is a victim of human trafficking—current law authorizes misdemeanor punishment.

“Under our leadership as public safety chairs, we have been working since the beginning of the Legislative session to ensure we protect children, punish predators, and pass responsible legislation,” said Senator Wahab and Assemblymember McCarty. “Our goal is to always prioritize victims and punish predators, especially those who commit sexual crimes against children. Our joint proposal will ensure justice for the children and teenagers targeted by these criminals, and we will succeed where years of previous attempts at similar legislation failed.”

SB 1414 will be heard in Assembly Public Safety Committee on Tuesday, July 2.