
May Newsletter: Senator Wahab Puts Children First

Dear Neighbor,

As a former foster youth, I recognize we must improve all facets of the system to ensure children aren’t unnecessarily removed from their families, and that the children who need to be removed receive the highest quality care possible. I am proud to share that my colleagues share this perspective, which is why my audit of Alameda County’s Department of Child and Family Services was approved.

I’m also proud of the legislation I’ve authored to ensure the safety, health, well-being, and education of children in California.

  • SB 575–Child Marriage Data Integrity
    • Collects crucial data needed to advance efforts to ban child marriage in California.
  • SB 926 – Safeguarding Against Digitized Misrepresentation
    • Expands on existing law to ensure the intentional distribution of AI-generated photos with the intent to harm the person whose face is in the photo is a crime.
  • SB 933 - AI Child Safety
    • Clarifies existing law to ensure AI-generated imagery is appropriately covered in child pornography laws
  • SB 981 – Digital Identity Theft Act  
    • Requires a social media platform to provide a more active mechanism for someone to report sexually explicit images that are featured in to the social media platform.
  • SB 1318 – Child Suicide Prevention
    • Amends existing protocols to ensure that students experiencing a mental health crisis on school campus receive care from a qualified behavioral health professional.
  • SB 1322 – Chafee Educational and Training Vouchers Program
    • Aligns the structure of the California Chafee Program with the Federal Chafee Program by lowering the age of eligibility to 15, and expanding access to Federal funds for higher education expenses
  • SB 1353 - Youth Bill of Rights Mental Health
    • Adds to the existing Youth Bill of Rights that youth have the right to timely access to mental and behavioral health services, including counselors and therapists, and any available related services

Here to serve you,

Aisha Wahab

California State Senate, District 10
Assistant Majority Leader
Chair of Public Safety Committee
Chair of Budget Subcommittee 5